Update to v24.08

Due to Docker updates in latest versions of operating systems, you may experience problems with Docker Compose. MITIGATOR, starting with v24.08, supports both Docker Compose versions v1 and v2. However, if you are planning to upgrade your operating system, there are some additional steps you should perform, depending on the OS distribution and version of Docker you are using. Otherwise, the correct operation of the commands specified on this site cannot be guaranteed.

Docker Compose Update Procedure

Ubuntu 20.04+ or any Linux with docker-ce

  1. Remove Docker Compose v1.
  2. Update OS packages.
  3. Install Docker Compose from the official repository and make the binary executable:
curl -L "https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/v2.28.1/docker-compose-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/bin/docker-compose \
&& chmod +x /usr/bin/docker-compose
  1. Make sure that the docker-compose version command output shows version 2.

Debian or Ubuntu 18.04

You do not need to perform any additional actions when updating the OS. Docker Compose v1 will be preserved.

Update Procedure

Update procedure for v24.08 includes all steps from the standard one and also requires data migration.

  1. Perform the standard Update procedure.

  2. Download the migration file to all ClickHouse instances.

    wget https://docs.mitigator.ru/master/kb/update2408/update2408.sql -O /srv/mitigator/update2408.sql
  3. Run the migration:

    docker-compose exec -T clickhouse clickhouse-client -mn < update2408.sql

    No messages are printed in case of success. Please report any error messages to the support.

Migration may take a while. DDoS-protection functions of MITIGATOR are fully operational while migrating data. Graphs for time ranges in the past may not render during migration (current metrics will be rendered).