Web server Log Analyzer


The log analysis functionality is additionally licensed.

Logan is a MITIGATOR functionality for analyzing logs of a protected Web server (HTTP, HTTPS), detecting anomalies and attacking addresses. Protected servers send their logs to the Logan using syslog RFC 3164 (UDP, TCP, TLS).

Logan can be located on the same server as the rest of the MITIGATOR, or separately.

Logan on MITIGATOR instance

The following steps assume that an instance of MITIGATOR has already been installed. Otherwise, install one of methods first.

By default, Logan is disabled on MITIGATOR instance. To enable Logan on a MITIGATOR instance, you need to change the scale parameter value for Logan in the docker-compose.yml file from 0 to 1.

    scale: 1

Analyzer on an external server

In a cluster installation, you can move Logan to a separate server to redistribute the load.

External server setup

It is assumed that Docker, docker-compose and wireguard-dkms are already installed on the external server.

  1. Create mitigator-logan directory on the server:

    mkdir -p /opt/mitigator-logan
  2. Download docker-compose.yml:

    wget https://docs.mitigator.ru/v24.08/dist/logan/docker-compose.yml \
        -O /opt/mitigator-logan/docker-compose.yml
  3. Create a service to run Logan on the external server:

    Download the service file:

    wget https://docs.mitigator.ru/v24.08/dist/docker-compose@.service \
        -O /etc/systemd/system/docker-compose@.service

    Activate the service:

    systemctl enable docker-compose@mitigator-logan
  4. Configure interactions with the MITIGATOR over VPN:

    Instances of the MITIGATOR interact via Wireguard, a virtual network is created between them. In order for Logan to interact with other MITIGATOR instances, you need to configure a VPN, as well as for all instances within the cluster.

  5. Run the services on the external server:

    • Log in to docker.mitigator.ru

      docker login docker.mitigator.ru
    • Go to the work directory

      cd /opt/mitigator-logan
    • Download the images

      docker-compose pull
    • Run the service

      systemctl start docker-compose@mitigator-logan
  6. Check the connectivity between Logan and the MITIGATOR instances:

    • Run command

      docker-compose exec gateway wg
    • Make sure there is a handshake between all members of the VPN network.

Configuration in the Web interface

For the Logan to work both on the MITIGATOR instance and on an external
server, you must specify the address and port inside the VPN through which the Logan is available. The address and port are set as on the “Settings” page in the “Common Protection Parameters” panel.

Further work with Logan is performed on the “Log Analysis” tab of the “Protection Policy” page. First of all, you need to set the rules by which Logan will work on the “Settings” tab.

A detailed description of the rules syntax for Web server incoming logs processing, the statistics and the Web interface elements is in the built-in help.

When the rules are set and applied, access to tabs with statistics, real-time streaming of logs and capture opens.

Configuring the sending of logs on the web server

Logan receives logs on ports:

  • 7201 – UDP;
  • 7202 – TCP;
  • 7203 – TLS over TCP.

Sending logs with NGINX

NGINX allows to immediately send its logs over syslog without using any third-party applications (syslog-ng, rsyslog).

  1. By default, nginx uses the “combined”, log format, which does not contain information about the processing time of the request $request_time. You can define custom log format in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf file.

    log_format myformat '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" $request_time $status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" "$http_user_agent"';

    Where myformat is the name of the log format.

  2. In the site settings file, for example, /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default, set:

    access_log syslog:server=,tag=123456789abcdefg myformat;

    Here server= is the IP address and the port of the log analyzer.

    Through tag=a secret identifier (token) is set, which allows you to
    determine which service the entry in the log belongs to, it is known only to administrators of the protected service and protection policies. The token must contain 16 characters. if tag= is empty, then MITIGATOR uses the IP address from which the access_log is sent as a token.

    access_log syslog:server=,tag= myformat;
  3. Restart NGINX.

    systemctl restart nginx


If the nginx of the protected server is located behind a proxy or traffic balancer, then substitution of real IP addresses of senders from the X-Forwarded-For header must be configured. This requires the presence of the http_realip_module module in nginx. You can check that the http_realip_module module is installed using the command:

2>&1 nginx -V | tr -- - '\n' | grep http_realip_module

If the module is not installed, you should reassemble nginx with --with-http_realip_module parameter.

In the /etc/nginx/nginx.conf file on the protected server in the http section:

  1. Add the IP address of the Proxy server to the list of trusted:

Here is the IP address of the Proxy server.

  1. Set “X-Forwarded-For” header as source
real_ip_header X-Forwarded-For;

In the /etc/nginx/nginx.conf file on the Proxy server in the server section:

  1. Configure real address sending in X-Real-IP header
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;

Sending Logs with Syslog-ng

Approximate file configuration /etc/syslog-ng/conf.d/mitigator_log.conf is listed below:

source s_source {
file("/var/log/nginx/access.log" flags(no-parse));

destination d_MITIGATOR {
syslog("" transport("udp") port(7201));

log {

Correspondence between log formats for different reverse-proxy

Above, in configuration example, the log format for NGINX is indicated.

'$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" $request_time $status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" "$http_user_agent"'

For other reverse-proxy, the same log format is set as follows:


""%a %u %t \"%r\" %T %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\""


capture request header Referer len 128
capture request header User-Agent len 128

log-format '%ci - - [%Tl] "%r" %TR %ST %B "%[capture.req.hdr(0)]" "%[capture.req.hdr(1)]"'