Update to v23.11

Update procedure for v23.11 version does not differ from the standard one. But it’s necessary to execute additional steps.

Graphana update

The default Collector dashboard has been changed. Execute steps for update dashboard:


• User dashboards will be removed.

  1. Go to /srv/collector/ directory:

    cd /srv/collector/
  2. Stop Collector:

    docker-compose down
  3. Remove Grafana volume:

    docker volume rm collector_grafana
  4. Start Collector:

    docker-compose up -d

ClickHouse update

The way data is stored in the database has changed. You have to run a migration script converting the historical data. To do that:

  1. Download the script.

    wget https://docs.mitigator.ru/collector/v24.10/maintenance/update2311-migrate.sh -O /srv/collector/update2311-migrate.sh
  2. Go to /srv/collector/ directory:

    cd /srv/collector/
  3. Run the script:

    bash update2311-migrate.sh

The script may take a long time to complete some operations.