
Restore is possible only to the same version of Collector from which the backup was made.

Backup of Traffic Data

Backup should be run on the server that stores the flows.

If Collector is stopped before starting the backup, you need to start the metrics storage module (docker-compose up -d clickhouse) and stop it after the backup procedure (docker-compose stop clickhouse).

CID=$(docker-compose ps -q clickhouse) \
&& VERSION=$(docker inspect -f '{{index .Config.Labels "build.branch"}}' $CID) \
&& ARCHIVE=$(docker-compose exec -T clickhouse sh -c "backup $VERSION") \
&& docker cp $CID:$ARCHIVE . \
&& docker-compose exec clickhouse rm $ARCHIVE

Collector Settings Backup

If Collector is stopped before starting the backup, you need to start the backend module (docker-compose up -d backend).

CID=$(docker-compose ps -q backend) \
&& VERSION=$(docker inspect -f '{{index .Config.Labels "build.branch"}}' $CID) \
&& ARCHIVE="settings-$(date +"%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M")-${VERSION}.zst" \
&& nsenter -n -t "$(docker inspect -f '{{ .State.Pid }}' $CID)" curl -Sfs localhost:8000/settings -o bolt_db \
&& zstd -zq -o $ARCHIVE --rm bolt_db

Restoring From a Backup

The commands assume that the backup files are located in the working directory /srv/collector, however, the location of the files can be anything:

  • on a remote server;
  • on USB storage devices;
  • in any system directory.

In this case, the commands must contain the full path to the backup files.

Traffic Data Restoring

Runs on the server that stores the metrics. Restore is performed without removing the old data. To avoid data duplication, before restoring, you should delete old records for the same period according to the instruction DB reduction

  1. Run Clickhouse (If it is stopped)

    docker-compose up -d clickhouse
  2. Select a backup, transfer it to the container and restore the data

    ARCHIVE=flows-X.tar.zst \
    && CID=$(docker-compose ps -q clickhouse) \
    && docker cp ./$ARCHIVE $CID:/tmp/ \
    && docker-compose exec clickhouse sh -c "restore /tmp/$ARCHIVE"
  3. Delete a backup archive from a container

    docker-compose exec clickhouse rm /tmp/$ARCHIVE

Restoring collector settings

Backend module needs to be stopped to restore the settings.

  1. Stop the backend (if it is running)

    docker-compose stop backend
  2. Select a backup, extract the settings file and transfer it to db volume

    ARCHIVE=settings-X.zst \
    && VOLUME=$(docker volume create collector_db) \
    && BOLT_DIR=$(docker volume inspect ${VOLUME} -f '{{.Mountpoint}}') \
    && zstd -dqf -o $BOLT_DIR/bolt_db $ARCHIVE
  3. Run Collector with restored settings

    docker-compose up -d