Collector Update Procedure

  1. Make sure clock synchronization is configured via the same NTP server as for MITIGATOR.

  2. Create a backup of Collector settings and flows.

  3. Add a line with the version to .env file. For example:

  4. Download the latest compose file:

    wget -O docker-compose.yml

    Make sure that the target major version number is indicated in the address bar.

  5. Log in to the image repository with your credentials:

    docker login
  6. Download the images:

    docker-compose pull
  7. Restart Collector:

    docker-compose down && docker-compose up -d

GeoIP database update

Collector uses GeoLite2 databases in CSV format. Place the Country and ASN database files in /srv/collector/geolite2 directory.

Process the files with the command:

find geolite2 -name '*.csv' -exec sed -e "s|,\('[^,]\+\)|,\"\1\"|g" -i {} \;

GeoIP databases will be updated within a few minutes.